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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Indira Gandhi Quotes
Indira Gandhi Quotes Indira Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India from 1966 to 1977 and from 1980 to 1984. Little girl of Jawaharlal Nehru, a legend in winning autonomy from Britain, Indira Gandhi was additionally a devotee of Gandhi in her initial years. Indira Gandhi was chosen Prime Minister in 1966, and her organization was regularly questionable. Subsequent to utilizing the military to stop a Sikh dissident activity, Indira Gandhi was killed by her Sikh security monitors in 1984. Select Quotations You should figure out how to be still amidst movement and to be energetically alive in rest. Activities todayâ mouldâ our tomorrows. What is important is that we ought to accomplish what we set out to do.â (1977) Social change is achieved by the individuals who dare and act, who can think unpredictably and who can court unpopularity.â (1974) My granddad once revealed to me that there were two sorts of individuals: the individuals who accomplish the work and the individuals who assume the acknowledgment. He advised me to attempt to be in the main gathering; there was considerably less rivalry. Resilience and empathy are dynamic, not inactive states, conceived of the ability to tune in, to watch and to regard others. They are established on a worship forever that shows itself in ones disposition to man and to the earth and to different animals. This condition of tuning in, watching, is to be alive; it is a condition of comprehension and it is the indication of a genuinely logical brain that is full grown with the nature of humanness. Closures may shift yet implies must be founded on the acknowledgment of man as theâ centreâ of all mission. (1981) There exists no legislator in India sufficiently challenging to endeavor to disclose to the majority that bovines can be eaten.â (1975 meet with Oriana Fallaci) I would state our most prominent accomplishment is to have made due as a free and vote based country. Let us not permit ourselves to be mistreated by disappointment or confused by outrage intoâ wrongâ action which will definitely expand the weight on the regular man, sabotage the very establishments of majority rules system and endanger the prosperity and bliss of every one of us. Be that as it may, let our anxiety lead us to helpful exertion, to difficult work, to co-operation.â (1966) Our antiquated way of thinking talks about right activity. Lifes excursion ought to be in mission neither of influence nor riches yet of internal worth. The Gita says, To activity aloneâ haveâ you a right, not to its natural products. We need progress, we need advancement, however so as to not upset the life of the region, the vibes of the region, the magnificence of the area and doesn't distance the individuals from their own surroundings...â (1975) Affliction doesn't end something, it is just a start. You can't warmly greet a gripped clench hand. There are crossroads in history when agonizing catastrophe and its dim shadows can be helped by reviewing incredible snapshots of the past. Regardless of whether Indira Gandhi kicks the bucket, her blood would spring from the earth and thousands of Indiras will rise to serve the individuals of the nation. I state so on the grounds that Indira Gandhi isn't the name of a simple lady yet a way of thinking which is married to the administration of the majority. â€the month she was killed, October 20, 1984 I dont mind if my life goes in the administration of the country. On the off chance that I kick the bucket today every drop of my blood will animate the nation.â â€the night before she was killed, October 30, 1984. To hold up under numerous youngsters is viewed as a strict gift as well as a speculation. The more noteworthy their number, a few Indians reason, the more aid they can beg.â (1975) It isn't sufficient for a couple at the top to arrive at remarkable capacity. Execution at each level, even the most reduced, must be improved. We all are a piece of the colossal mechanical assembly of the country, the productive working of which is reliant on the smooth working of each individual component.â (1969) Capacity, and not class or network or riches, ought to figure out what instruction a youngster ought to have, what school the individual in question ought to go to.â (1966) The Himalayas have molded our history; they haveâ mouldedâ our theory; they have motivated our holy people and artists. They impact our climate. When they safeguarded us; presently we should protect them. Ourâ defenceâ services are figuring out how to know them and to adore them.â ​(1968)
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Law Constitutional & Administrative Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Law Constitutional and Administrative Law - Essay Example Official privilege is in this way significant as through it the state can accomplish self-conservation, it likewise shows the trust that the individuals have on the Crown or the official to execute and control for their benefit. In the United Kingdom and most countries under the federation, the Crown, PMs and cupboards, representative officers or people on whom official privilege forces might be gave, may practice right powers. Instances of privilege powers practiced by the Crown or its agents in England incorporate the controls over wars, the right of benevolence and the ability to call for autonomous open requests. Others may incorporate perceiving states or securing and surrendering regions. Be that as it may, on occasion the activity of the right powers by the Crown or its agents through the official may go under exacting examination by individuals from people in general or the residents. In the United Kingdom and different countries adhering to the precedent-based law framework, privilege forces might be practiced by the Crown either without anyone else or through the leader and his bureau and might be dependent upon investigation or oversight by either the parliament or the legal executive. Parliamentary Oversight of Executive Prerogative Powers The job of the lawmaking body to manage and scrutinize the activity of privilege official forces is one of the significant precepts of administration present in nations that welcome the matchless quality of parliament. Through resolutions established by the parliament, the governing body can cancel a particular rule. For instance, the Canadian 1689 Bill of Rights expelled a portion of the Crowns official requests that were considered antagonistic. Parliament can likewise dislodge official privilege controls by pulling back a right recently offered on the crown and establishing it as a resolution while the privilege power is pulled back from the crown. As needs be, the point at which a resolution infringes into job s that had recently been practiced by the crown, it tends to be said to have replaced the job of the official in practicing the privilege job of the official, This was held in A.G v De Keyser's Royal Hotel Ltd1 and Lord Advocate v Dumbarton D.C 2. This is the place the educated appointed authorities expressed that where the resolution covers the job recently completed by the right force, the force will be held in cessation and the official must submit to the arrangements of the rule being referred to (Hogg and Monahan 2000, p.17). Parliament may assume its oversight jobs in controlling the activity of privilege controls by the official through various techniques. These may incorporate through parliamentary discussions, divisions, questions asked in parliament, select boards of trustees and the interpellation technique. Casting a ballot which is a significant essential for any vote based system is additionally compelling particularly when the restriction can assemble enough individua ls to place the legislature within proper limits. Parliamentary inquiries are a significant method of getting data from the legislature in that oral inquiries may empower the lawmakers to have a test on the approaches being executed by the administration. Composed inquiries likewise help in permitting the individuals from parliament to get definite reactions from the official.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Should Children Leave School at 14
Should Children Leave School at 14 The OE Blog Sir Chris Woodhead, former chief inspector of English schools, has created a furore this week by calling for the school leaving age to be reduced to 14. Claiming that some children are simply not suited to academic study, Sir Chris called Prime Minister David Cameron “morally wrong†and attacked his education policies as “a recipe for disaster.†Sir Chris’s major argument was that some students hit their academic peak in their early teens, and are genuinely unable to progress further in school, whilst they may be much happier and more productive entering the world of work. He suggested a path that might include an apprenticeship and “practical, hands-on, craft-based training that takes them through into a jobâ€. He accused the government of having a “Utopian†view of school standards, and seemed to dismiss children who are already “truanting†in their early teens as a lost cause, demanding “does anybody seriously think these kids…are going to stay in school in a purposeful, meaningful way through to 18?†But many angry parents, teachers and social commentators have protested, claiming that lowering the school leaving age would be tantamount to abandoning ‘problem’ students and allowing the education system to turn its back on them, forcing them out into the world too young before they have learned vital life lessons. Sir Chris’s reference to children who fail to attend school seems to draw a rather stereotypical parallel between children with behavioural problems and those who are not academic, which has angered many education and children’s rights campaigners. If the school system is able to write off a child who is behaving in a difficult way with the excuse that the classroom is simply not the right environment for them, it denies them the chance of the support and discipline that education can give many teenagers, helping them to solve some of their problems before they reach the real world, and face real consequences. There is a very serious risk that simply allowing ‘ difficult’ pupils to abandon their studies at 14 with no guarantee of employment or mandatory training of any kind would simply lead to hugely increased adolescent crime and unemployment. Other concerns have been raised over Sir Chris’s own ‘Utopian’ optimism about the numbers of apprenticeship places available (particularly in view of the recent record places already being filled) and the potential for exploitation of a younger workforce with very low wages. In addition, many protesters argued that a child of 14 is not yet ready to choose their path or make their way in the adult world, leaving them vulnerable to poor decisions and negative influences. Many adults who left school aged 16 to enter apprenticeships or work and are now successfully thriving spoke up to point out how crucial their GCSE level maths and English skills were to them when setting up their own businesses. For now it seems that the variety, volume and voraciousness of voices raised against him have firmly quashed Sir Chris’s arguments. Yet a different question remains. What does it say about the state of education in England and of our failure to meet the basic needs of our students, if a former Chief Inspector of schools is led to make such drastic calls for reform? Why are only 80% of English pupils hitting government literacy targets at age 11, and why do we face a truanting crisis so bad that the head of a major school and education company calls for problem students simply to be booted out of the system altogether? The cacophonic response has made it quite clear that lowering the school leaving age is not the answer, but that still leaves the coalition government facing a very serious question indeed.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The First Generation Of Computers - 886 Words
One of the first definitions for computers was given to people that performed early mathematical calculations. Once the first generation of computers starts the definition of computers changes to a machine rather people and that is according to Vonn Newmann’s concept about a device that process data, stores and accept input and process output. The era of computer begun in the early 19th century, when the Analytical Engine was designed by an English professor named Charles Babbage. The design of this engine served as the framework of the modern computer. The development of computers can be divided into three (3) generations. With each new generation, there were changes to the mainframe and the capabilities of what the computer was able to do. Once the first generation of computers starts the definition of computers changes to a machine rather people and that is according to Vonn Newmann’s concept about a device that process data, stores and accept input and process o utput. In this first generation the first machine that was able to compute anything that was computable, it was created by Alan Turing in 1936. Following his steps a professor and a graduate student built an electronic digital computer that was called the ABC after Prof. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry. In 1943, an electronic computer designed and built for the Military. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was built by two (2) professors from the Univesity of Pennsylvania and it isShow MoreRelatedThe First Generation of Computers Essay1317 Words  | 6 PagesDEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTERS The first generation of computer which is from the year 1945 has been relatively large in size and very expensive due to the technology that we have back then. Goes by the name â€Å"Colossus†, it was the very first electronic computer developed. It is programmable, digital, electronic, computing devices. The vacuum tubes or known as thermionic valves is used to perform calculations. It serve as purpose to solve mathematic problem faced by the British military during World WarRead MoreCOMPUTERS have great importance in the world today. Since the beginning (first generation),800 Words  | 4 PagesCOMPUTERS have great importance in the world today. Since the beginning (first generation), computer was invented mainly to help human to process complex computational/calculation. Type or classes of computer are also becoming more specific especially referring to its function, such as mobile phones, multimedia player, video games, control system. They can also considered as com puter because of its function. Any device capable of processing information to produce a desire result can be consideredRead MoreThe History of Computer Development Essay608 Words  | 3 PagesEvery generation of computer experienced a major technological development that basically changed the way computers operate, thus resulting in increasingly smaller, cheaper, more powerful and more efficient and reliable devices .The history of computer development is always referred to in reference to the different generations of computing devices. The first generation (1940-1956) is the Vacuum Tubes. The first generation computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for their memoryRead MoreComputers Have Been Integrated Into Almost Every Aspect1248 Words  | 5 PagesComputers have been integrated into almost every aspect of life. As we know almost every person uses computer or laptop this day. A computer makes every work so easy, but that will be not possible if a computer was not found. 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Whether it is a anything, cell phone, TV, computers,Read MoreHow Technology Has Changed Our Lives1631 Words  | 7 PagesWhen we use the computer we don’t typically think about how it has evolved into what we have today. The computer has come a long way and it is hard to think about how life existed before computers. Before computers, humans had to do many things by themselves. Many complicated and advanced mathematical calculations were done by hand and took months if not years. Technology has luckily advanced which has given way for humans to be used in more productive ways and in ways that have made our societyRead MoreThe Development of Computers Essay1346 Words  |  6 PagesDevelopment of computer What is computer? According to Wikipedia, computer is a device that can be programmed to do a set of arithmetic or logical operations automatically. It is started with the basic device to perform a mathematic problem which is known as Abacus. Computer has been developing year by year and we have seen a lot of generation or development of computer nowadays. The first generation of computer starting from years 1940-1950, this can be called as the first electronic computer. DuringRead MoreEssay about History of the Development of Computers1478 Words  | 6 Pagesthe people whom chooses their field which is relevant to computer appliances in their daily life also thinks the same and the develop the improvement of the computer from time to time until the computer technology reaches the development that we does not imagine before. When we think about the modern society the first thing ever hit up our mind is the technology of the computer , so we cant deny that the important of develop ment of computer is very important to the growth of the modern society andRead MoreFourth Generation Computer1619 Words  | 7 Pagesfourth generation computer - A computer built using Very Large Scale Integration(VLSI) integrated circuits, especially a microcomputer based on a microprocessor, or a parallel processor containing two to thousands of CPUs. VLSI made it routine to fabricate an entire CPU, main memory, or similar device with a single integrated circuit that can be mass produced at very low cost. This has resulted in new classes of machines such as personal computers, and high performance parallel processors thatRead MoreThe Development Of Computer Development1631 Words  | 7 PagesTHE DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER FROM 1980 TO 2014 The history of computer development is often referred to in reference to the different generations of figuring out/ calculating devices. A generation refers to the state of improvement in the product development process. This term is also used in the different advancements of new computer technology. With each new generation, the circuitry has gotten smaller and more advanced than the previous generation before it. As a result of the making something
Friday, May 8, 2020
Essay about The Role of the Individual in Candide
All around the world the roles of the individual and of society are completely abstract. As the world changes and develops, the roles of the individual and society change to meet the needs of the people. Voltaires Candide which involves France during the Age of Enlightment Marx Engels Communist Manifesto which involves Germany around 1848 both discuss the roles of the individual and of society in different ways. In both pieces of literature what is expected of the individuals and of society is very different from what is presently happening. The Communist Manifesto discusses human nature and social class while Voltaire discusses the flaws of society and the realities that not everything is for the best. In Communist Manifesto, the†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"You say individuality vanishes. You must therefore confess that by â€Å"individual†you mean no other person than the bourgeois, than the middle-class owner of property†(The Communist Manifesto 16) The i dea of communism is to encourage people to actually be individuals while being an active member of society. Although the role of the individual are made very clear by Marx they fail due the ideals of human nature. It is said that the human nature can be considered the downfall of communism. Communism as proposed should be extremely successful but due to human nature there is no way for communist success. The success declines as soon as it starts because people lose motivation. People have no motivation to work as hard as they possibly can because everyone is economically equal. This is a flaw of the communist society as opposed to capitalism. Marx wants people to work as an autonomous collective to gain power and take it away from capitalism however, people are only invested in something that benefits them, and communism relies on an all for one, one for all attitudes. According to The Communist Manifesto. the role of society is to provide equality for all people. As stated In bourgeois society, living labor is but a mean to increase labor. In communist society accumulatedShow MoreRelatedThe And Philosophical Movement Of Voltaire s Candide1641 Words  | 7 Pagessuperstition and religious authoritarianism. People began to reflect on themselves rather than relying on the church. Voltaire was a writer and philosopher, who played an important role by incorporating themes of The Enlightenment into one of his famous novels, â€Å"Candide†to spread ideas. Themes including religion, and optimism in â€Å"Candide†were used by Voltaire through his perspective to emphasize the Character s progress out of traditional values with reasoning and thinking. An intellectual and philosophicalRead MorePhilosophical And Satirical Novel Candide Or Optimism 1010 Words  | 5 PagesHistory of Western Civilization II Philosophical and satirical novel by the famous French Enlightenment writer Candide, or Optimism was created in the XVIII century. One of the most popular works of Voltaire received an unexpected destiny. For a long time it was forbidden because of obscenity, and the writer himself admitted that his authorship, then renounced it. In Candide, or Optimism, Voltaire shows the historical and cultural realities of his time (for example, a military expeditionRead MoreThe s Candide And The Old Woman Arrive Of Cadiz, And Of Their Embarkation1422 Words  | 6 PagesVoltaire’s Candide, or Optimism is widely regarded as a work of the enlightenment period and offers a satire on philosophy, religion and current events (of the time). This essay aims to provide an analysis of Chapter 10: In what distress Candide, Cunà ©gonde and the old woman arrive in Cadiz, and of their embarkation. Firstly considering terms of context this essay will look at the way knowledge of philosophy and attitudes towards women illuminate the readers understanding of the passage. SecondlyRead More##de Or Optimism : A Novel Savant Voltaires Candide1238 Words  | 5 Pages Candide or Optimism: A Novel Criticizing Numerous Ideologies Who is the savant Voltaire and what philosophies did he criticize in his novel Candide or Optimism? Franà §ois-Marie Arouet otherwise called Voltaire is a French philosopher who composed many articles, books and ballads amid the enlightenment period. A lot of his works were censored by the French because of the way that he besmirched everything and anything that had to do with religious corruption and the justice system.To battleRead MoreEssay Irony and Humor1690 Words  | 7 Pagesinvolved in funny situations, while with irony the writers were able to explain their underlying messages. Born seventy-two years apart, they are a superb example of how these techniques were carried out over time. Moliere’s Tartuffe and Voltaire’s Candide are classic texts, which unmask man and society through their clever dark comedy. After reading these two works, one will undoubtedly see how similar the two author’s perceptions were during this great awakening. Moliere’s Tartuffe is aRead MoreThe And Candide Essays : Practical Reason Triumphs Logic1382 Words  | 6 Pagesbeliefs in their works Tartuffe and Candide. The enlightenment brought up a rather youthful philosophy in the early seventeenth century. This philosophy focused on reason and good sense more so than common knowledge. The upper class believed they were the only group that could obtain knowledge; the enlightenment questioned this belief. This new idea helped progress the belief and hope that the middle class could become scholars themselves. In the works Tartuffe and Candide, both authors reveal an unseasonedRead MoreViews of Voltaire and Molià ¨re on the Role of Women in French Cultural Life1383 Words  | 6 PagesThe role of women in society has been a controversial one. Most religions see women as being inferior to men and are of the view that women were created as a companion for men. A lot of our social morale stems from religion; hence this help to shape the view that woman is inferior and is to be submissive to their male counterpart. Society has set roles which each sex is expected to play. Gender role is a theoretical construct in the social sciences and humanities that refers to a set of social andRead More Literary Analysis of the Enlightenment Period and Romanticism1461 Words  | 6 Pagesphilosophers were amalgamated on the basis of worldly, civilization, broad-based, and self-determination. (Gay, 3) The Enlightenment liberties were free of capricious authority, allowed free expression and exchange, consented to the fulfillment of individual aptitudes, permitted artistic reactions, and endorsed man’s right to self-determination. (Gay, 3) Another recurring theme of The Enlightenment was happiness. Happiness was considered the most important factor of The Enlightenment deliberationsRead More The Naive Protagonists of Candide and Forrest Gump Essay example3382 Words  | 14 PagesThe Naive Protagonists of Candide and Forrest Gump    Society can be, and is, corrupt in many different ways. Within our lives we are subject, but not limited to, corruptions within religion, corruptions of morals, and corruption within the government. Voltaire, the author of Candide, and Robert Zemeckis, the director of Forrest Gump, both use grotesquely naà ¯ve protagonists to illustrate their view of the world in which they live. Nevertheless, Candide and Forrest, surrounded by aRead More`` Candide `` : A Satirical Adventure Through The Writings Of Voltaire2648 Words  | 11 PagesThe book â€Å"Candide†takes readers on a satirical adventure through the writings of Voltaire. His novel is a humorous yet ridiculous mockery of the Old Regime ideologies in which he critiques the political, social, and religious beliefs of this time; Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz’s ideas in particular. He believed that people perceive imperfections in the world only because they do not understand God’s grand plan. V oltaire does not accept the existence of a perfect God, absence of choice and blind
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Classic Airlines Marketing Solution-Mkt 571 Free Essays
Classic Airlines Marketing Solution WK 3 MKT 571 University of Phoenix Abstract Presently Classic Airlines is one of the largest airline carriers in the world. Last year the company had a net income of $10 million dollars on operating revenues of $8. 7 billion. We will write a custom essay sample on Classic Airlines Marketing Solution-Mkt 571 or any similar topic only for you Order Now The year before the company had a net income of $71 million on 8. 5 billion of operating revenues (Classic Airline Scenario, 2010). The net income has decreased $61 million in one year. One of the reasons for the huge decrease in net profit is because of marketing strategies. The company needs to take three stepsto turn the company around. First it needs to analyze the internal and external pressures that has created the present crisis. Second it needs to formulate a problem-solving method, and third it needs to apply the problem-solving method to the current crisis. Analyze current situation {draw:frame} Rising costs, particularly of fuel and labor, have limited Classic Airlines to compete for the valued frequent fliers (Classic Airline Scenario, 2010). To protect the company from possible bankruptcy, a 15% cost reduction has been implementedover the next 18 months. Each department will have cuts, with marketing hardest hit at 21. 5% reduction versus sales and operations at 11. 5% (Classic Airline Scenario, 2010). The following shows the cost reduction goals by department (Classic Airline Scenario, 2010). To make sure Classic Airlines does not go into bankruptcy, the marking department needs to focus on three issues. First, the internal and external pressures causing the decrease in net income needs to be identified. A plan to decrease or eliminate the identified internal and external pressures needs to be formulated. Second, the challenges of the marketing department needs to be solved. The third and final step is to formulate financial strategies by examining possible available resources and other airline’s marketing solutions. Internal and external pressures Classic Airlines is faced with many external and internal pressures. External pressures include the present consumer uncertainty about flying. After the September 11, 2001 terrorist high jacking of anAmerican commercial aircraft, every airline has suffered the worse consumer’s crisis the country has ever experienced. Since the terrorist attack on airplanes, consumers have an unpleasant feeling about air safety. The travel downturn after September 11 has subsided, Classic Airlines overestimated the reversal,and expanded too quickly. That caused Classic to face a restrictive cost structure (Classic Airline Scenario, 2010). Shortly after the terrorist attack, the county entered its worse economic downturn since the Great Depression,which severely crippled the economic stability of world markets. The rising costs of fuel and labor has affected Classic Airlines ability to compete for the frequent flier. Because of increased uncertainty about flying, the economic downturn, and increased labor and fuel costs, Classic Airlines has seen a 10% decrease in share prices in the past year. Other external pressures include: fierce price cutting from competitors, negative effects of the public created low employee morale, and declining confidence of the consumers. The internal pressures includean increasingly volatile union climate and the lowest employee morale in the company’s history. The financial statements including the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statements shows a company headed for financial disaster. Last year the net income of the company was $10 million, however;the year before the net income was $71 million, for a decrease of $61 million in one year. To counter further financial crisis the company has mandated a 15% cost reduction over the next 18 months. If the company can’t meet the 15% reduction, the company faces bankruptcy (Classic Airlines Scenario, 2010). Other internal pressures include: increasing cost of labor, low margins, poor employee morale, decrease in customer satisfaction, poor customer service management, and expensive marketing budgets. Objectives,_ obstacles, and resources available in the marketing department _ The main obstacle in achieving the marketing objectives are that Classic Airlines can’t cut prices further. The profit margins can’t decreased to lower levels. The company’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is not focused on consumer satisfaction. The Customer Relationship Management department has caused faithful customers to turn to the Internet for their travel needs. Another problem is that the company is trying to avoid bankruptcy by mandating a 15% cost reduction over the next 18 months. This is marketing’s biggest obstacle, to reduce costs by 15% when they need to increase marketing efforts. _Problem- solving method_ By implementing the 9-Step problem -Solving Model, Classic Airlines can solve their challenges and at the same time uncover numerous opportunities. It serves as a valuable tool for all businesses, both large and small. It identifies the problem, plans the solutions, display ethical dilemmas, and defines ensuing issues. The 9 Step problem solving model includes the following steps: Step 1) Define the problem-Knowing exactly what the problem is. Step 2) Measure the problem- Measurement of the current level of performance, to be measured against future performance, Step 3) Set the goals-Goals provide direction and must be stated in terms that are measurable. Step 4) Determine root causes-determine why the process is working the way it presently does. Step 5) Select best strategy- Select a strategy that will best solve the problem. Step 6) Implement strategy- Develop and action plan to implement the solution. Step 7) Evaluate results- Evaluate the effect of the chosen solution. Step 8) Implement appropriate changes in the process- Improves and perfects the process. Step 9) Continuous improvement- Improve the process continuously (Problem-Solving Model, 2010). To be successful in solving Classic Airline challenges, goals will be set and achieved. The goals must address the main challenges of the company including lack of sales, decrease in net income, low employee morale, downturn in the Classic Rewards program, and required budget cuts. Goals will meet the SMART standard of beingspecific, measureable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based. The goal, must be specific which means it iswell defined. Who is involved, what is to be accomplished, location, requirements and constraints should be identified and the reason the goal should be accomplished. The goal should be clear to everyone associated with the program. There must be an exact way for measuring the progress toward the goal. The goal should be agreed upon by all stakeholders and attainable, achievable, and action-oriented. The goal is realistic when people are willing and able to work for its achievement. A goal is realistic when people believe it can be accomplished in the set timeframe. The goal should be set within a certain time frame (Haughey, 2010). Classic Airlines has formulated a table of SMART questions that address the challenges of lack of sales, decrease in net income, low employee morale, downturn in the Classic Rewards program, and required budget cuts (Haughey, 2010). Marketing recommendations Classic airlines needs to cut expenses to produce a net income and avoid bankruptcy. The following are some methods of cutting costs: direct booking through the internet or call center with no sales commissions. Use uniform aircraft such as just the 737-300 airplanes, use a simple system of pricing, on the aircrafts use high seating density and load factors to be efficient, no frills such as free food or drinks, and use of secondary airports to cut charges and turnaround times. One of the ways Classic Airlines can make the airline more attractive to existing customers and new customers is to restructure the company’s frequent flier program. Reforming the Classic Rewards program will be a challenge, however;the returns could turn the company around. Rewarding frequent fliers with new rewards that include various redemption options could improve consumer moral and loyalty. Classic Airlines must provide better service to all their customers, especially the frequent fliers. The goal of the company should be to retain and win back customers, provide exceptional customer service, and offer attractive alternatives to redeeming their frequent flier miles. Providing exceptional service to their frequent fliers and meeting the need of each customer is a duty and obligation of Classic Airlines. Classic Airlines should increase the number of miles Basic, Silver, and Gold members can use in a year by 10%. Classic Airlines should also decrease the number of black-out days. Without improving the frequent flier program, the company will continue to losecustomers, market share, and see net profit continue to decline. Alliance with other carriers would expand available routes and provide more options for frequent flyers to use their loyalty rewards. Alliance with other carriers could decrease its operating costs and increase net income. The company would benefit by becoming a larger company with more services. Conclusion References Classic Airline Scenario, 2010. _University of Phoenix materials-Classic Airlines Exhibit B. _ (2010_). _ Retrieved on March 22, 2010 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MKT/571- Marketing Web site: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/classroom/ic/classroom. aspx. Classic Airline Scenario, 2010. _University of Phoenix materials-Classic Scenario: Classic _ Airlines. (2010_). _ Retrieved on March 22, 2010 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MKT/571- Marketing Web site: https://ecampus. hoenix. edu/classroom/ic/classroom. aspx. Haughey, D. (2010). Smart Goals. Projectsmart. Retrieved March 23, 2010, from: http://www. projectsmart. co. uk/smart-goals. html Kotler, P. Keller, K. A framework for marketing management, 3rde. (2007). Prentice Hall. Retrieved on March 23,2010 from University of Phoenix, Resource, MKT/571-Marketing Web site: https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/classroom/ic/classroom. aspx. Problem-Solving Model, 2010. BPI consulting. Retrieved on March 24, 2010 from: http://www. spcforexcel. com/problem-solving-model How to cite Classic Airlines Marketing Solution-Mkt 571, Essays
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Sexual perversion in Wuthering Heights Essay Example
Sexual perversion in Wuthering Heights Paper In reference to Wuthering Heights J. Hellis Miller once stated This secret truth would be something formulable as a univocal principle of plantation which would account for everything in the novel. . I aim to show that each of the titled texts do indeed have a governing principle which accounts for the eventual tragedy and demise of each set of lovers. Shakespeares Othello, Millers A View From the Bridge and Brontes Wuthering Heights all seem to challenge contextual boundaries. In all three, there appears to be an underlying principle whether it be religious, cultural or evolutionary which acts as a barrier for love. Othello seems to be a stark commentary upon social opposition to miscegenation which is reinforced through constant references to theological superstition, whereas the conflict (internal and external) in AVFAB appears to be due to the protagonists repressed homosexuality emphasised through the many scenes which may be interpreted as allegorical sex scenes illustrating his subconscious (and, in the context, incongruent) desires. Finally, in Wuthering Heights there is the possibility of consanguinity between Catherine and Heathcliff which doesnt seem to be reductive in any way; it seems well-enough able to stand as the principle, acting as explanation for the affinity between the two. In all, certain religious or evolutionary rules forebode each relationship and show the consequences of each transgression. According to Freud those who are sexually jealous are repressing homosexual desire. We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual perversion in Wuthering Heights specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual perversion in Wuthering Heights specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sexual perversion in Wuthering Heights specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It is for this reason the psychoanalytical interpretation that a strong homosexual attraction to Othello may motivate Iago to persecute him may hold true. For example, the language Iago uses throughout the play is heavily laden with animal and plant imagery which may be a manifestation of Iagos subconscious desires. For instance, Iago uses the metaphor our bodies are our gardens, to the which our wills are gardeners which symbolises, on one hand, how Iagos conceit is comparable to a poisonous plant. Or, on the other hand, it may imply that all human nature is malleable, but the skilled man can control his own desires or the most unruly garden if necessary, an obvious reference to homosexuality. Undoubtedly, Iago assumes the role of the metaphorical gardener who cultivates and manipulates the mind of Othello to suit his own personal agenda, whilst nurturing Othellos mind from nai ve doubting to destructive jealousy. Similarly, homosexual desire could be used as an explanation of motivation for Eddies jealousy in AVFAB. In contrast to Othello, animal imagery is employed by Miller when he attempts, in my opinion, to show Eddies repressed sexuality. An example of this is the boxing scene which can be read as an allegorical sex scene between the two males. This is reinforced even further by the fact that immediately after the boxing or more appropriately, the sex, the conflict between masculinity and homosexuality is emphasised by Eddies attempt to pick up a chair with his hand. In failing to do this, his subconscious rejection of archetypal masculinity is portrayed effectively. Therefore, both plays Othello and AVFAB show the darker side of love being the innate repression of a true sense of sexuality and real identity which ultimately culminates in the destruction of another heterosexual relationship. Each culture, Venetian and Italian, had set traditions and underlying principles, and religious opposition to homosexuality may have led to the rejection of ones sexuality, thus acting as indirect motivation for both Iago and Eddie to inflict terror upon the people they are supposed to love. Furthermore, perversion in Wuthering Heights lies upon the assumption that there could be a blood line between Catherine and Heathcliff. Earnshaws reference to Heathcliff being a Gift from God may be admission that he is indeed his illegitimate son. This would mean that their union cannot be completed according to certain religious or evolutionary rules. To me, Heathcliff and Catherines relationship goes beyond any possible rationality and therefore, there must be an underlying reason as to why they cannot consummate their love which is contrary to evolutionary and religious doctrines. This theory seems likely due to the very Byronic nature of Bronte literature; the innate passion between Catherine and Heathcliff incongruently combined with their intransigence in pursuing that quest suggest transcendent meanings, like in Othello. It may also account for their persistent affinity with each other. When Catherine asserts I am Heathcliff, this symphonic imagery may refer to the possibility that the two are half siblings, accounting for this mysterious symbiosis between the two, but also the fact that Catherine considers Heathcliff her alter-ego and vice versa. Consequently, in many ways, Wuthering Heights can be read a metaphysical novel, for the reason that their union cannot be completed whilst they are living on earth, due to religious opposition to incestuous relationships, and, moreover, Heathcliffs decline into necrophilia after Catherines death may allude to the fact that beyond this earth they could fulfil the love that they could not in this life. In comparison, the relationship between Eddie and Beatrice in AVFAB is shown to be more emotionally connected upon the point of death, shown by he dies in her arms, and Beatrice covers him with her body this sense of intimacy is in stark contrast to the hostility that previously dominated their marriage, and the juxtaposition of he and her is suggestive of unity, whereas the oxymoronic rhyming couplet at the end of Act 1. Scene 3 of Othello night and light foreshadows the danger that Iago possesses. Moreover, the theme of religion is again utilised by Biblical allusion, with Beatrice assuming the role of Mary Magdalene and Eddie in some ways being a representation of Jesus; ultimately, the scene which entails the death of Eddie appears to be symbolic of some higher sacrifice and symbolic of the Stations of the Cross. When the two women support him for a moment this is, perhaps, a reference to Luke (26:27-31): a large number of people followed Him, including women who mourned and wailed for Him and traditionally, a woman named Veronica is said to have wiped His brow. This reflects the self-sacrifice that Eddie is making, similar to the story of Jesus crucifixion. It is clear that in both Othello and AVFAB both Eddie and Othello are portrayed as tragic heroes, possessing one major flaw; the latter turns self-righteous (a recurrent theme in the works of George Elliott) and the former is consumed by homoerotic sexual jealousy. Furthermore, the character of Iago uses the phrase I am not what I am which directly contrasts with Exodus 3:14, where God says to Moses I am what I am. Therefore, Iago uses the line to foreshadow his deception of Othello, but simultaneously Shakespeare may have also used the allusion in order to show that Iago directly contrasts with God, portraying him as satanic, and, thus, these binary oppositions elucidate the central theme of good versus evil. In the same way, I would argue that embedded within the narrative of Wuthering Heights is a complex system of biblical hermeneutics. Most poignant is the idea that love has become a religion; which would offer an explanation for the inexorable connection between love and death in the characters speeches and actions. The way in which Wuthering Heights can be read as an anti-Christian novel, so too can Othello, for the reason that during Elizabeths reign as Queen of England, her Protestant religious settlement more or less forbade Catholicism in the country. Shakespeare, therefore, being secretively Catholic may have included subverted relationships as an attack upon the religious tradition of his time and society.
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