Saturday, January 25, 2020
Petty Officer Of The Navy Commerce Essay
Petty Officer Of The Navy Commerce Essay Responsibility, authority, and accountability always go hand in hand. Its known that the more authority one has then the need of being more responsible and accountable. Figures in authority have to bear a lot of responsibility and with the weighty decisions they make they have to be we see the need of all that. Petty officers also commonly know as the PO is a leader with authority in the navy. They are involved in the decision making process and the delegation of duties to the naval crew. They come up with the strategies and they are responsible for all the actions being executed. Being a leader you always have to lead by example and be willing to teach and take the necessary corrections when the need arises. The PO has a lot to do concerning corrections. They are charge with the responsibility of warning and reprimanding the personnel. They also put the personnel on the report if there are any mistakes they have done in line of duty. Tasks given to them might not be easy to undertake but they come as part of the responsibility they have. There is the utilization of the principle of delegation of authority in the workforce. This authority is the responsibility of the officers since they are the ones who are responsible for the actions of their juniors. Everyone who has been assigned a particular task has the obligation of accomplishing it, hence there is completion of the tasks. In the navy cases of bad behavior are always there. One can say that you cannot expect every one to behave exceptionally well given that they were all brought up differently and in different environments. Many things can bring up the negative side of an individual. Depending on the conditions and the environment a person is in, the character of the given person is expected to show up though the same person may try as much as possible to hide it. In the navy for example, the sailors always go on expeditions which can last for several months without one having to step on land. Many sailors will experience sea sickness while others may develop psychological problems. The most important thing when this happens is if the affected officer will cope with what is affecting there them. Carrying naval officers on board who are not in their correct state of mind can prove costly especially in circumstances such as during war. Every marine on board should be able to think exceptionally well and perform a given task as needed. Whenever the sailors achieve anything good they all take credit for it and do the same when everything does wrong they dont point fingers at any of them because they are a team. Whom do we blame when things go wrong? Some can say its the people who were assigned the task, others can argue that its the leaders or simply those put oversee the complete of the task. Both sides could be right but they could also be wrong. Different circumstances result in different measures being taken to correct them. When instructions are given it is upon the person giving them out to ensure that they are all followed and also the person given to follow them as needed (Stavridis Girrier, 2004). Importance of good behavior Military schools and academies are said to give the best training towards a persons character. They mould them into dependable people whom their countries have much expectation on. When they leave the academies, one can easily tell whop has changed or not. Others might not be able to change at all. While on the navy there are those who tend to break the rules. The petty officer is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the regulations set are followed. Whenever something goes wrong he will be answerable many things the crew has done. We find that the behavior of any given officer a matters a lot. Some incidents can bring diplomatic rows, others may be detrimental to the force but for a force to stand its ground there should be mechanisms which are in place to correct any irregularity when it arises. Thought its not at a high level of command the position held by the petty officer plays an important role by correcting mistakes made. OP is tasked with ensuring the safety of his crew. Excising ones authority over grownups can be challenging having in mind that the person you are in-charge is the same age as you or could be even older. One has to be responsible and accountable. The example you set may make someone to respect or despise you as a leader. Disciple is an important aspect of any military unit. There is no exception when it comes to the navy as well. For order to be their, there has to be discipline within then people concerned. People have to behave. Many sailors exhibit high sense of discipline. They do as they are ordered to do by those above them in the chains of command. You find that orders given are done as needed with few doing the opposite of that. Some orders may come from the highest order of command. When such an order is given and it has to be done by the most junior person in the command line its the sole responsibility of those who have been delegated the order to ensure that the task is c ompleted and if not it would be against the military discipline that you always have to followed orders from your superiors and ensure that they are done. When a junior officer misbehaves and a petty officer is around the PO has to punish the misbehaving officer or he will be reprimanded. All the petty officers are charged with the responsibility of chain of command. There must be indication to all of them that one is punishable incases of any instances of inappropriate behavior in the chain of command. When they do the punishment they are assuming their moral of authority and undertaking his responsibility. Punishment is another way of instilling discipline. Depending on the seriousness of the rules broken the type of punishment also varies. If there is a fight and a petty officer is present it is his responsibility to punish the responsible offenders. The authority given to the petty officer has to be used where needed. Accountability is a quality that a petty officer must also have. When you punish a person for a mistake he/she has done you should be able to give an account of what the person had done to warrant such a punishment. Some punishments can be too harsh and when the person being punished complains you have to take the explain reasons why you think the punishment is the right one and that you are not biased against the person. Being a petty officer, it could be a hard thing making decisions which are right or even making any given decision. Being a human being can sometimes make life hard for us. This happens when making decisions which can change a persons life forever. An example is writing a report which could lead to someone being sacked. No one would like to see a person suffer after losing a job. Being in such a situation is tough even for a PO but one has to choose between doing your job and giving the person another chance. On being given the rank of the petty officer it came with a responsibility that requires one to do the job as is expected. The person who committed the offence is guilty as charged because he had the option of not committing the offence in the first place. The person did not behave as expected prompting action to be taken against him. A mistake by one officer of a naval unit may bring an internal conflict within the unit and when there is a conflict; coordination between the officers cannot be at its best. This can raise a security situation depending on what activity the navy was involved in though there has to be unity every time and also the reason we find the need of positions like that of the petty officer. Effects of disrespect to authority Respect is a virtue that has to be earned. It is not something that one can demand for. To get respect one has to earn it. One can earn respect just as easily as one can lose it. Its one of the military core values. Officers in military have to respect each other so that discipline can prevail. Senior officers in the military are to ensure that junior soldiers respect one another. Like in the navy the petty officers are among those who are tasked with ensuring that junior officers respect each other. They as leaders try to do their best at enforcing respect and discipline within the officers. Disrespect on the other hand can be termed as that the show of indifference towards figures in authority. Within the navy there are cultures and courtesies to be observed. When a naval officer does not observe these courtesies it can be termed as disrespect. It is hard sometimes to tell when someone shows disrespect to a person unless someone speaks up while in some cases signs of disrespect can be easily noted. For example not making the customary salute to a superior officer when you are supposed to do so is a sign of disrespect. Being rude to your superiors is also termed as disrespect. Another example of disrespect is using uncouth language in the presence of your superior or when referring to the officer while using the same language. The superior officer does not have to be there for it to be considered disrespect. The military runs smoothly on trust but trust cannot exist if there is no respect. It always takes a lot to earn a soldiers trust then respect. Why would an officers respect a superior officer they cannot trust? As a leader a petty officer need to have the ability to guide direct and influence the people who are his juniors. This is leading by example. There have been many cases of disrespect within the military. When such a thing happens those involved usually have a case to answer to the superiors. It is said if you cant respect anyone in authority then at-least respect the position the person is holding. Any disrespect towards the authority is usually punishable in many countries. Military units are not left out of this. When a soldier in a military unit is punished, the person doing the punishment should have in mind that the officer must not be demoralized but instead take the punishment positively and not to repeat the same mistake. Perception of respect varies for different people. Something might be perceived as disrespect by one party but another party can perceive it differently. The perception usually has an effect on the kind of punishment given. Some punishments can be termed as harsh while others lenient. People have been imprisoned for disrespecting those in authority. Many of these cases are undertaken by dictatorial regimes. In countries with open democracy imprisoning a person because of disrespect are not common. Signs of disrespect cannot be taken kindly in military institutions. People are sometimes suspended pending investigation. When the investigation is complete some loose their jobs, some are transferred to different stations while others continue in their suspension. When a very junior officer in a military unit disrespects another one with very senior position, blame may be directed towards the immediate superiors of the officer and it assumed that they allowed such a behavior to develop by not taking any action to correct that same mistake that the officer showed. Rarely do we find junior officer disrespecting their seniors but few cases occur. As part of the responsibility of a petty officer, it is part of their work to instill discipline on the junior officers. They should also be accountable when a junior officer shows disrespect to those superior to him and even those on the same rank (Montor, 1998). Before any punishment is given to any officer it has to be approved by a court- martial and the maximum punishment would be being discharged because of inappropriate behavior, going without pay and allowances and detention for a year. Unauthorized absence of a sailor from his post There are many forms of absenteeism. The sailor might not go to the place of duty at all or that he goes to his post then leaves it to go somewhere else without any authority or reason given for absenting oneself. The unauthorized absence means that the sailor knew he had to be at the specified place at that time or, he had been ordered to be there but failed to be there. The punishment for not being at the intended place at a given time will be determined by a court martial. Before any punishment is given out it has to be proven that the accused knew that he was supposed to be there and had absented himself from certain exercises he knew of. They always depend on circumstantial evidence for this. Unauthorized absence can be through motivated forms of the same like a situation where one leaves his post with the intention of leaving it untended. One may not really have the intention of unauthorized absence while being held by civilian authorities for a crime he committed or might not have committed. One is punished is if he is found guilty of that crime. The duration being held does not matter that much. Whether one was on leave or not and is being held by civilian authorities it does not give a person an excuse of being absent neither can it be said that it was intentional. Conviction does not also give the person an excuse not return to his post as what happened is was a result of his own intentions. The only situation where one is found to be innocent is if he is released by the authorities with no trial being done or if the person was on leave when he was arrested but was later proven innocent after hearing the case. Sometimes sickness, lack of transport facilities make one absent from his post and is part of unauthorized absence but when reviewing the offence committed by the person it should be given careful considerations before judgment is passed (Mack, Seymour McComas, 1998). After unauthorized absence there are ways where the unauthorized absence can be written off. When one is been arrested by civilian authorities before the navy gives any request, informing the navy of the arrest makes the absentee available for return to navy control. While under military control the absence is terminated. Surrendering oneself to military authority and notifying them of your unauthorized absence shows that you are wiling to submit yourself to there control. This also brings to an end illegal absence. Other ways which the unauthorized absence can be terminated are when the absentee is personally arrested by the navy and arrest of the absentee at the request of the navy. In some cases one can be found to be absent more than once under a single specification. Unauthorized absence by the naval officer from his post is punishable but the punishment usually depends mostly on how long the sailor had been absent. For the naval officer or sailor if he fails to go to his post for a time not more than three days he will have to go without two-thirds of his monthly income for a period of one month and will also be confined for the same duration of time. If the sailor absents himself for a period of less than thirty days but more than three days he will just be earning a third of his usual monthly in come and will be confined for half a year. For an absence of more than thirty days the sailor will not get his pay but also go into detention for one year. He will also have a dishonorable discharge. If the sailor is arrested after being absent for more than a month the sentence would be the same but he will be detained for six more months. For other forms of absence like absence from his post as a guard and absence as a guard but with the will of bein g absent, he would get the following sentences respectively: being detained for a quarter of a year while he earns a third of his salary. The other sentence would be going without pay, will be detained for half a year and be discharged from the force for bad-conduct. We can now determine that the absence of the sailor from his post would be punishable unless it is proven that it did not happen out of his own will. In conclusion every one in the force has to be responsible and accountable in whatever they do as any action undertaken has an effect which can either be positive or negative.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Reduce,Reuse and Reclycle Essay
Practicing these three steps (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) helps us lessen the environmental impact that manufacturing and distributing products have on our environment. Reducing waste is the most effective 3 R practice, because it means not producing unnecessary waste in the first place – So there is zero impact on the environment. If we reduce what we buy and use in the first place and reuse wherever possible, fewer things need to be recycled and the amount of waste we produce will fall. The next best is Reuse, because it extends the life of a product. That item still had to be made but it is used over and over, reducing the need to make new stuff. Recycling in the end is the reprocessing of materials. It helps reduce pollution caused by waste and the need of raw material so that rainforests can be preserved. BENEFITS: We are going to give you some tips and practical examples how to save money, energy and the environment. 1. Do not waste food, make sure that you buy what you are going to consume, give leftovers to your pets or discard them in a responsible way. (Environmental friendly). 2. Grow your own vegetable, fruits, and flowers. 3. When you leave a room always turn the lights off – Do not forget to switch off all the electrical equipment’s, turn down your emersion heater. 4. Instead of using dishwasher, wash dishes by hands from the sink 5. Always turn the tap off when you wash your teeth. You do not need the tap running when you are brushing your teeth. 6. Instead of buying a lot of books, you can borrow from the library or charity shops. 7. Do not automatically get rid of your old newspaper; use it in place of paper towels to clean glasses and mirrors. Shred it to make packaging materials, use it as a fire starter. 8. Reuse junk mail envelops for your own mail. Just put a label over the see through window or if the envelop has a bar code at the bottom, run a black marker through it. 9. Do not dump water you use to cook vegetable; water your plants with it. 10. Use the public transport (trains, undergrounds) rather than cars to reduce pollution. ADVANTAGES OF RECYCLING: Recycling uses much less energy than producing new materials from scratch. This means less fossil fuel is burnt and less greenhouse gas is emitted. The vast majority of materials collected from your doorstep are recycled and used in the UK. This means less fuel is used to export waste and import new materials. Recycling helps to reduce pollution, Co2 emissions caused by waste and preserve natural resources for futures generations. Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the planet in which we live. It is so important to both, the natural environment and us (Human beings). N. B: However, recycling still creates some pollution because it is an industrial process. That’s why â€Å"Reduce and Reuse†are the most important of the 3 R practice. Did you know? Recycling Aluminium uses only five per cent of the energy and emissions needed to make it from raw materials. Each year in the UK, we go through over 1. 2 million Tonnes of electrical waste. (That’s the equivalent of 150 Thousand double decker buses). Prevention is better than cure as the doctors say. Therefore, we must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time. We are going to conclude our topic with this wise and pertinent citation of Margaret Mead: â€Å"Never doubt a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. â€
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Global Climate Change and Human Activity Essay - 1152 Words
The question that is in the minds of many people around the globe is the debate between natural causes, and human activities being the main cause to the negative changes in the global climate. Natural causes like volcanic eruptions, the changes in the sun’s radiation, and the ocean current shifts noticed are contributing to the global climate change. In addition, the human activities such as the burning fossil fuels, and the cutting down of trees [forests] so as to create land to cultivate and rare cattle affect the climate change. The human activities that are done affect the global climate that the natural causes which has led to global warming in the atmosphere (Oxlade, 2003). The human activities that are undertaken such as burning of†¦show more content†¦In addition, each of the past thirty years has been even warmer than any preceding thirty years since records began in the year 1850. When we look at the 20th century, in the middle years of the Century, then quantity and concentrations of the greenhouse gases have increased drastically in the atmosphere, the atmosphere and the ocean have warmed up, and the amounts of snow and ice have melted away and level of the sea has risen. The earth is warming up, melting away all the ice and snow it can get. Hence, the effect global warming as noted (Silverstein, 2009). The latest scientific research available has the suggestions that, if there is a little or no action is taken at all so as to reduce the levels of the greenhouse gases released to the atmosphere, by the end of this 21st century, global warming is likely to continue to warm from 3 °C to 10 °C. This is a 7 °C increase compared to the temperature during the time when industries were not there. This is viewed by scientists as the threshold beyond the future. Thus, if not contained, there will be a much higher risk and maybe catastrophic changes in the global climate will occur. This will result in significant destruction. There will be a significant drop in the capacity of the earth to sustain mankind as the environment is deteriorating and will not support plants and animals. For this reason, the international community has recognised the need to keep warming below 3 °C (Karling, 2004). The UnitedShow MoreRelatedHuman Activity Is Responsible For Global Climate Change900 Words  | 4 PagesHuman Activity is Primarily Responsible for Global Climate change Global Warming is a long term increase in earth’s average surface temperature. Because global warming does not cause uniform warming in all locations and because many other changes in climate are occurring, scientists often prefer to speak of ‘’Global Climate Change’’ rather than of global warming when referring to the whole complex of climate changes caused by Human activities. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Is Donald Trump Becoming a Great Presidnet - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 608 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/04/05 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Donald Trump Essay Did you like this example? Fake news has shown clips to make Donald Trump look like an awful president but in reality, he has done some great things during his presidency. Donald Trump is becoming a great president because of his accomplishment during his presidency, by helping the economy, to putting pressure on North Korea to denuclearize. Trump during his presidency has been improving the economy. One way he has helped the American economy is in 2018 he made tax cuts which not just has helped the economy but also has helped workers and was one of the highest tax cut in the U.S.A. The tax cut mainly affected the middle class which 70% of Americans considers themselves to be in the class. (CNBC) The economy has added 3.2 million jobs while Trump has been in power. The jobs growth is not only great but to added to the jobs, the unemployment rate has been the lowest since 2000. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Is Donald Trump Becoming a Great Presidnet?" essay for you Create order Second Trump has talked to a couple of countries about the nuclear agreements, whether it be making a deal to denuclearize or pulling out of a flawed deal. In may of 2018, Trump pulled out the Iranian nuclear deal that President Obama created in April of 2017. The speaker of the house Paul Ryan said, From the beginning, the Obama-era Iran Deal was deeply flawed  ¦ I have always believed the best course of action was to fix to the deficiencies in the agreement. (Fox) The biggest reason we did not fix the area that was flawed was that we could not get the Europeans to an understanding, to add Trump pulled out because the Iranian government was not following the agreement. Critics might say Trump has put immigrants into cages and that they should be free. All of the Immigrants that the critics are talking about are all illegal and taking the jobs that no American citizen will take the dirty jobs, AKA the jobs in the fields picking plants. This is completely false because Doris Miller is a grandma to four grandkids and when she was young she dropped out of school after eighth grade to work in farms picking bean then went off to go work in the factories. Doris Miller is a first generation American who worked the jobs that no American will take, and is living proof that the critics are wrong. The topic about putting the illegal immigrants into detention center has been a big topic in the media since Trump has been in power but when Obama was president he was never a voice about putting the illegal immigrant in the centers. It was no big deal when Obama over two million illegal immigrants into centers,(Vox) but the minutes Trump but one illegal immigrant i nto the center the media decides what Trump was doing was inhumane. When putting illegal immigrants into the centers it does not make him an awful president, it makes him great president because more American citizens can have jobs and the unemployment rate will be lower which is great for the economy. Trump has not only dealt with the corrupted government of Iran but is dealing with the Communist country of North Korea about de-nuclearising. The Agreement is for the U.S.A. development a new relationship with North Korea and also for the Peace, Prosperity, and security of the Korean Peninsula and also for the world. (NBC) Kim Jong Un has agreed to the Panmunjom Declaration, which works towards the total process of denuclearization of the North Korean Peninsula. Also, the two commanders are now talking to each other instead of threatening war, which is what they were doing before the agreement that Donald Trump proposed.
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